┃학술지 발표논문
- 1. “Wang Yangming Thought as Cultural Capital: The Case of Yongkang County.”Late Imperial China28, no.2 (2007): 41-80.
- 2. “Counterbalancing Egalitarian Benevolence: A History of Interpretations of Zhang Zai’s Western Inscription in Song China and Joseon Korea.”The Review of Korean Studies13, no.3 (2010): 117-149.
- 3.「주희도덕철학에있어서객관적규범의외적권위와도덕적자율성의화해-「古史餘論」에대한분석을중심으로」.인문과학(성균관대학교인문과학연구소) 46 (2010): 151-177
- 4.「주희수양론에서실천주체와실천의지:두마음의이율배반을중심으로」.『철학사상』(서울대학교철학사상연구소) 37 (2010): 25-66.
- 5.「作用是性”:朱熹의性論정립을위한반명제」.『중국학보』(한국중국학회) 61 (2010): 373-397.
- 6.「주희철학에서의개인과집단:목적과규범,그리고인간에대한이해」.『아세아연구』(고려대학교아세아문제연구소) 53.2 (2010): 166-195.
- 7.“‘Jiaohua, Transcendental Unity, and Morality in Ordinariness: Paradigm Shifts in the Song Dynasty Interpretation of theZhongyong.”Journal of Song Yuan Studies42 (2012): 151-233. (2014년한국연구재단우수논문선정)
- 8.「四七論辨에서의渾淪과分開:胡宏의“同體而異用.同行而異情”에대한朱子의비판과의대비를중심으로」,『퇴계학보』133집(2013. 06): 39-78.
- 9.“Balancing between Innate Morality and Moral Agency: Zhu Xi’s Interpretation of the Sixteen Character Teaching.”『國際版儒敎文化硏究』20집(2013. 08): 75-96.
- 10.「왕권찬탈과정통주의군주제:전근대중국,한국,일본에서의‘共和’에대한재해석의역사」.『대동문화연구』(성균관대학교대동문화연구소) 82집(2013): 166-195.
- 11.“The History ofKonghwa共和in Early Modern East Asia and Its Implications in the [Provisional] Constitution of the Republic of Korea.”Acta Koreana16, no. 1 (2013): 141-175.
- 12.“Zhang Jiucheng張九成as an Eminent Advocate of the Cheng Learning (chengxue程學) in the Early Southern Song.”『國際版儒敎文化硏究』22집(2014년8월): 1-26.
- 13.「退溪「天命圖說」과<天命圖>에대한철학적⋅도상적재검토」.『퇴계학보』135집(2014. 07): 5-53.
- 14.「독창성과자연성:칸트천재와예술개념에근거한소식의예술창작론의특징분석」.『미학』81권1호(2015, 03): 59-93.
- 15.「程學전통에서의格物·致知·窮理:二程4대初傳弟子들의해석과주자재해석의의의」.『東洋學』제60집(2015.07): 177-193.
- 16.“Restructuring Learning (xue學) on a New Foundation: Zhu Xi’s Reformulation ofGewu格物andZhizhi致知.”Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture24 (2015. 08): 71-93.
- 17.“Qizhi zhi xing氣質之性and the Unity of Human Nature: Zhu Xi’s Theorization of the Goodness of Human Nature.”Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture29 (2016. 02): 1-27.
- 18.「중국북송대물아(物我)관계에대한재정립과미적태도:구양수와소식의즐거움(樂)과우의(寓意)를중심으로」,『美學』82권3호(2016.09): 1-37.
- 19.Lee, Junghwan. “The Universal Validity of the Conceptions of Artistic Creativity and the Perception of Beauty in Pre-Modern China: A Comparative Examination.”Contemporary AestheticsSpecial Volume 6(2018). Published electronically March 13, 2018.
- 20.Lee, Junghwan. “Confucius’ Golden Rule and Its Reformulations by Mencius and Xunzi: Shu恕, the Commonality-Premise, and Human Nature in Pre-Qin Confucianism.”Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture30 (2018. 08): 1-27.
- 21.Lee, Junghwan. “‘The golden ruleofour Saviour. . . had been inculcatedby Confucius, almost in thesamewords, four centuriesbefore’: The Clash of the Christian and Confucian GoldenRules in 17th- to 19th-Century England.”Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture31 (2019. 02): 75-116.
- 22.「道學文論에서의載道와周敦頤「文辭」의의미와위상에대한재검토」『퇴계학보』150 (2021.12): 197-257.
- 23.「주자(朱子)문론(文論)에서도문본말론(道文本末論)과도문동일론(道文同一論)」.『美學』88권3호(2022.09): 1-45.
- 24.「서양 근대미학 체계 성립의 근본 전제들:비교미학적 논의를 위한 시론1」.『美學』88권4호(2022.12): 211-260.
- 25. “The Golden Rule, Humanity, and Equality:ShuandRenin Confucius’ Teachings and Beyond.”Dao: AJournal OfComparative Philosophy21 (Sep., 2022): 347-368.
- 26. “Recharacterizing theConfucian Golden Rule: The Advent ofthePost‑Confucius Formula andaShift ofFocus fromRentoLi.”Dao: A Journal Of Comparative Philosophy22 (Mar., 2023): 23-42.
┃단행본 내 논문
- 1. “Zhu Xi’s Metaphysical Theory of Human Nature.” InDao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy, edited by Kai-chiu Ng and Yong Huang, 265-87. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
- 2. 「선악과 인간 본성:맹자의 사고실험」.『인간을 다시 묻는다』,서울대학교 인문대학 편,서울대학교출판문화원,2020: 217-236.
- 3. 「공동체를바라보는동아시아의전근대적시각들」.『동북아‘집단’이해의다양성:근대민족주의를넘어서』고려대학교아세아문제연구소출판부, 2011: 8-36.
- 4. 「중국송대사상계에있어서다원주의적문화관의상승과하상:왕안석과소식을중심으로」.『미학대계권1:미학의역사』서울대학교출판부, 2008: 749-768.